Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Half A Cup of Coffee: 8 sept 2004 Refill


Went out wif carrot today... and another day is over. It's amazing how time flies during the holidays, isn't it? Was quite fun, although I must stress that shopping is an acquired taste. Not everyone loves shopping. I know I certainly don't. It's nothing more than wandering around looking at stuff, then buying a few. *shiver* Buying games/game magazines, now THAT is fun! What can be more fun than wandering around looking at games/mags, then maybe buying a few? Certainly better than shopping.


Plan to pig the night away, and make the most of what's left of the holidays to relax before I roll back into work. Not particularly looking forward to the workload that's coming. Got a test for Finance, a project for MicroP, a project for FInance... and probably a lot of assignments and tests coming up as well. Wheee. But this sem's been quite ok, mostly thanks to the fact that we've finally moved to the NICE NEW HOSTELS! With a network connection, rampant violations of intellectual rights (which we categorically deny, of course), and round-the-clock game sessions. The wonders of technology, hehe. Got a recently-turned-twenty-year-old rmate too. Goes by the nick 'tomato'.

*extra wave for roomie*

Well. That's it for now. Today's half a cup of coffee.




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