Wednesday, July 20, 2005

island tales #18

did something strange last night, which i havent done in ages. i actually went to a wedding dinner. didn't plan to go at first, but there was a last minute shift in plans so i ended up there. of course, there was the customary ang-pau to hand over, then it was down to business.

ok, the strange thing was, once the dinner started there were people selling newspapers and keropok from table to table. but the even STRANGER thing is, this is supposed to be perfectly normal for a penang wedding (or so i was told..). everything else was pretty much standard wedding dinner fare, which included the customary presence of a bride and groom (haha, well some things go without saying!), food, red clothed tables, an utter lack of cute girls (i wasn't looking, of course. definitely not. my eyes were firmly not searching for cute girls in the audience), a room full of strangers that you do not recognize. only this was my colleague's brother's wedding, so there was an unusually large amount of people i did not recognize.

entertained by a bunch of people singing, although some of them were pretty hard on the ears, ehehe. had a string of food, which was a mixture of ok-tasting food, one quite nice fish and a bunch of bleah so-so dishes. took pics with the bride and groom! but i dont have them yet, since it wasnt taken on my camera. so will post it up once it's here.. :)

got home at 10 something, the dinner passed pretty quickly since it was a weekday and everyone had to get to work the next day. quite an interesting experience though, but i doubt i'll be attending another one anytime soon. unless any of my classmates are getting married! :P

* * *

word of the day: oubliette. derived from the french 'to forget'. possibly the worst kind of mental torture you can inflict on anyone....


At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy guacamole! wat the...? haha ok, this is definitely a first. newspapers?
hey, i'm too lazy to look up your 'word of the day'. enlighten me please. :)

At 6:42 PM, Blogger nerdook said...

oubliette? it's sort of like a medieval version of solitary confinement, where they hurl you into a dark pit and close the trapdoor. came across it while i was looking up my 'Cruellest Punishment Ever': locking someone in a room with no doors, no windows and no light.. muahaha.

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm.. im housemate wif a guy who looks up "cruellest punishment ever"?

this is getting scary (though not as scary as rom's story in his blog)..
must remember to lock my bedroom door at nite..

At 7:08 AM, Blogger nerdook said...

if it's any consolation... i fulfil only 3 out of 7 criteria to be classified as a sociopath... hahaha...


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