tuesday... tomorrow malaysia turns 48, and to show how patriotic i am i won't be coming to work! haha. and that also means that it's fong's birthday, so... happy birthday fong!
that's fong choong chiu, for the other fongs out there. who kinda looks like the picture below...

(erm. or maybe not. but there is a slight resemblance.)
heh. and work has resumed for today, after that it's a whole day off! woohoo... i got myself a brand new dvd-rom drive (yes, was too lazy to replace the old one which has been spoiled for a VERY long time now), and installed sims 2/diablo 2 in preparation for the holiday, weekends and everything else between now and the return of the new computer.

and yes, enough of the sims jokes, i'm well aware that it's very cute to share my surname with those adorable little creatures. so enough already!!! no more simcity/the sims/simcard jokes, it's getting really stale.. :P right. the games will probably keep me occupied for some time. meanwhile life goes on as usual, week 12 out of 32 of this internship is already halfway through....
happy merdeka day everyone. here's hoping our country becomes a great place to live in!
is there anyway to upload a picture in the comments section of ur blog??
*insert mischevious grin here*
nope.. think only html text tags will work. er.. wat picture do u have in mind??
Whoa, week 12 out of 32? That's like 6-7 months of internship you will have to go through, right?
hehe yea it is. real long. but it's good in the sense that many large companies would love to have an intern for a longer period of time, compared to the usual 3/4 months. so we get to learn more... i guess. :P i'm certainly not complaining, lol.
where else can u get net this fast..
hahahaa.. :P
plus.. work isnt all that taxing.. is it??
oops.. that was me.. forgot to put my name.. trigger-happy index finger clicked too soon.. (thx to diablo II)
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