Wednesday, December 21, 2005

island tales #73

egads. Christmas is just around the corner.. again. Didn't it just pass a few months ago?! of course, this also means that.. my internship is coming to an end. with 4+ weeks left on the clock, and two three-day-weekends coming up, time is fully expected to move extremely fast now, and before i know it, it'll be 2006. just as im getting used to it being 2005. again.

whoopeee. with christmas around the corner, my work has slowed down considerably.. there'll be a presentation this friday, and (ahah) i haven't done anything about it. yes, i can see that i am, as always, guilty of procrastination of the first degree, and yes, i am perfectly aware that i owe the world an epilogue! oh gosh. has it really been several weeks now? :P

things to do:

-get more sleep... i've been clocking up an impressive sleep debt lately
-finish off presentation slides. or at least, get started.
-complete the other half of the epilogue... eventually :D

ooo.. got an annual dinner tonight. supposed to be a posh-ish formal event. hm.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger desperate addict said...

Your internship is coming to an end? So what are your upcoming plans?

At 8:45 PM, Blogger nerdook said...

upcoming plans: immediate plan is to get back to uni and squeeze every last drop of enjoyment out of my final year there!

after that.. who knows? haha. one thing the nightmare of the last few weeks have taught me... sometimes you have to be like a leaf, and just go where the wind blows you. :P

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Nee Shen said...

very identical to all the interns before you. After internship, everyone says they are going to treasure the uni days much much more than before. One of them even wanted to continue with her masters so that she dont have to start working so soon

Did they torture you that badly?

At 6:08 PM, Blogger nerdook said...

haha! heck no, it was actually really fun. more like, after seeing working life first hand, going back to uni has several advantages:

-no more 6am to 6pm schedules. even the busiest days in uni don't take up 12 hours a day
-holidays.... gosh, nothing quite like having 4 months of holiday every year

but i gotta admit, i'm gonna miss having a monthly salary!


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