Friday, September 10, 2004

Half a Cup of Coffee: 10 sept 2004 Refill


here's a free refill for your half a cup of coffee. it's friday, and my short one week hols are coming to an end. sniff. was a pretty good break from the usual tedium of work. went out a lot wif carrot.. :P

so, yeah, sorry for the long delay between posts. the last few days went pretty well, spent most of my daylight hours... elsewhere. hehe. recently discovered the joy of having streamyx, which is faster than my usual hostel connection. top site to recommend: go haf a visit. click on the banners a bit, it helps keep good sites like those alive. basically it's a gigantic archive of (mostly) free classic games, and i do mean classic. definitely does not require an X800 to run. spent the last few days searching for the games i grew up with (a touch of nostalgia), and managed to snag most of em. wasn't that hard, since the files were mostly below 3 meg. so if anyone complains that 120gig just isnt enough anymore, go and play THOSE games!!!

oh yes. and speaking of which. few weeks before i downloaded paperboy (i remember playing it), and loaded it up only to be horrified at the graphics. ugly. ugly. guess i'm getting old, memory seems to have failed, since i don't remember it being this ugly. and then... just d other day... it turned out the game i played was paperboy 2!!! TWO. as in SEQUEL. so did a search and voila there it was... pretty nice graphics and all. oh, and like most games of that era.. there was no way to quit. top tip: ctrl-esc and manually close the program. it beats resetting the comp every time you play! (that was how i used to do it. ahh... the good old days...)

special mention goes out to carol's auntie, for the DELICIOUS lunch at Hock Lee's Li Garden. never been to that shopping complex til today. brocolli and scallops and black pepper ostrich meat and a plate of ULTRA nice mayo-ish fried prawns. NYUM!!!! also met an ex josephian, pretty sure he was my year, and i have at d moment not the slightest idea who he is. rats.

hm. tomorrow's saturday already. time sure passed pretty quick. and sigh im twenty and counting. old. old.




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