island tales #19

alright alright, so you can tell from the purple sign in the corner that i did not take this picture. dug it out of a folder called 'Cute Pics', and it perfectly summarises my current life at work. but everything's gotten busier this week, been fiddling with this and that all day, and came back feeling like i actually got stuff done. which is good.
the downside is, i usually get pretty tired earlier at night, due to a whole day of working and working. 'earning my keep', i call it... and socially, i guess it's going okay, though i am a lousy judge of social relationships. really! as much as possible, i try to keep my mouth shut (which is so weird!), though i realise i've been talking more these few days. time to zip it again i think, since i tend to lace my words with diamond tipped bullets without ever realising it. ehehe. side effect of spending so much time with a machine, and i dont trust people as much thanks to my lovely secondary school life...
but in the meantime, im going to kick back and enjoy. the weekends are almost here again, and tomorrow's a half day followed by badminton in the afternoon, yippie! looking forward to it.. then it'll be the weekends again, which involves basketball on saturday evening.
ahh... the calm before the storm. oh, and you are welcome to comment on previous posts, i'll check them for replies too, since im updating pretty often these days. maybe i'll start whipping up quick posts in between work... :)
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