pearl of the orient

well. it's been ages since i last posted, yet again. and yes, i'm in penang! interning with intel, until january next year. so far so good, i guess. :P
i've got streamyx here (at last) and it's a lot better than the trickling internet access i got in utp, so yay, guess i should update this site more often. unfortunately, gta: san andreas has been soaking up most of my time lately, haha, which explains the total lack of updates here. and hey blogspot seems to have added a picture update thingie. guess i'll whip out d trusty old digicam and take sm pics to be uploaded here. keep an eye out!
on a slightly different note, i seem to be getting more and more absent minded lately. hrm. wonder why... seem to have developed a tendency to wander off in my thoughts as my body goes into autopilot. this cant be good!!! help~
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