Thursday, September 15, 2005

island tales #54

So it's thursday already, huh... wow. anyway, i got this little gem as a forwarded attachment some time ago, it's pretty funny. and it also means that i'm operating at 20% today. haha.

* * * * *

slept late last night... had a bunch of bad dota rounds (sobsob), then spent the rest of the time talking to The Ostrich who just had her presentation. :P


and that naughty carol put this amazingly annoying picture on her blog!!! ARGH!!! :P ok im quite amused, but still!!! yea yea it's spozed to resemble me...

....oh yes, har har, very funny... ah, you won't find her blog linked from here. removed at her request.


surprisingly, i did manage to wake up on time this morning! my phone is still pretty much silent, but i found a working alarm clock on the dresser, so yay for that.

only problem: the alarm clock sounds really soft. its a teeny tiny *teet teet.. teet teet* sound, which definitely is NOT as loud as the usual phone's wailing electronic shriek. but i did wake up (before the alarm clock went off actually), so i'll give it a try, if it really doesnt work then i'd probably have to find a louder one.

of course, if i had my computer in the room, i probably could have whipped up a nice little flash-based alarm clock that fires off high pitched screams loud enough to wake up the neighbourhood (and my housemate). nyek nyek nyek. not that evil.

* * * * *

ah one more thing. i'm using earphones here, and for some reason there's a lot of noise. probably because the earphones are really LOUD. my volume control now looks like this:

since if it goes any louder, i can use the damn things as SPEAKERS (no joke). by the time it's halfway, it's already loud enough to blow my eardrums into pieces. so i guess the noise probably exists since the earphones are so freaking loud, and if the thing has an external volume control, then it's really well hidden, coz i sure as heck can't see it.

more notes to self: buy earphones with a volume control.

* * * * *

songs in my ears: a bunch of mushy reminds-me-of-first-sem songs by emil chou, a bunch of loud-and-sure-to-wake-me-up-completely songs from old linkin park albums (yea i know, so yesterday), and an assorted variety of other songs from 3 Doors Down's not-so-mushy songs to Zhou Chuan Xiong's even mushier songs.

word of the day: eclectic.


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here i am again..
yea yea.. i know the avid readers of nerdook's blog will probably get bored of me by now..
trust me.. u cant get any more bored than me, a guy who has 3 IE windows running thru random articles in wikipedia..

love the sign..
my colleague has it on his desk..
the part bout waking ur housemate up wif loud music.. u're kidding rite?? u r not so cruelll....

At 10:06 AM, Blogger nerdook said...


*strokes white furry cat while gloating over a golden replica of the world*

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

duncha just LOVE the brooding monkey? ;) it's really is SO you. a gem of a pic, so apt for the moment. :P

At 10:16 PM, Blogger nerdook said...

haha actually yea i love it. ;) thanks ya. but my hair a BIT curlier... :P


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