island tales #45
gosh i love this pic... hehe. i have no idea how old i was when it was taken, but it's definitely more than 10 years ago. my dad looks pretty much the same as above, except he has (slightly) less hair. similarity with my bro: both have more muscles than me (sob).
anyway, i've always thought my dad's character is the total opposite of my mum's: mum is (to me) very talkative (hee) and extremely concerned about everything, while my dad is (to me) the embodiment of the silent, macho, muscular man. hahaha... actually i found out it's not exactly true, he's pretty concerned about us too, but (like me) showing concern/care so blatantly is just SO girlish. nope, not something us guys wud do, nuh uh. :P nawps.
i honestly think my dad is kinda cool, coz he plays computer games too (which was actually how i got hooked, come to think of it), though he never did take up the offer to join me and my bro's networked games. hmm. guess he doesnt like competition? :P plus it's usually my mum who calls me on the phone, except when i'm sick (or when my mum mischeviously shoves him the phone), and i'd get to hear his gruff, macho, controlled voice! haha... shh dont tell him i said that. :D
so yea. that's my dad. and if you don't know him, he sometimes does appear kinda scary! darn i wish i had that scary look. heheh. the things i could do... but surprisingly, i think my mum was more of the disciplinarian in the house.
(gee. i wonder how he'll react to this post.)
* * * * *
completely different note: tomorrow is my ex-roomie's birthday. so..
happy birthday yaw!!

that's him on the left. i'm the slightly taller guy on the right. and this is one of the few pics that only has two of us. also, he's one of the members of the gawd-awful F4 Gang (i shudder everytime i mention it). erm. we totally hated F4 way back in first year, but coincidentally there were four of us then, so uh, erm, it was very logical (in a backwards kinda logic) to name ourselves after them. ARGH. why am i telling this... hahaa....
anyway happy birthday yaw. hope u have a nice year ahead! (doubt he'll read this. oh well, it's the thought that counts)
look like u were taking the photo with Bruce Lee who is also yo dad greatest idol.. hahaha you look very cute in that photo .. see yo dad is so loving.... hugging u some more in that photo of you when you are 2 years old
typpo error .... when you WERE not are
hi mum. haha, ya ya! he looks a bit like bruce lee also! :P especially that photo with the yellow jumpsuit. haha...
i'd be SO freaked if I knew my parents read my blog.
voon - huh? but i AM innocent! :P
james - thanks for stopping by. and nah, i find it kinda cool that my parents do read it. hehe.
ohhh exciting! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZHANG YAW. oh gosh, it seemed like ages ago when we used to study in the same uni. *sigh* those days ... *gets all teary eyed*
haha btw that was such a cute post about your dad. you should do one for your mum as well. send my regards to your parents. uncle, auntie, if you're reading this *WAVES* HI!
hehe. it was only 3 years or so, rom... but a lot has changed since then, eh? those were the days... *feeling old*
To Rom: Hi Rom , How is life in UK? All the best from Auntie Christina and Uncle Lee Meng here. Take care.
To Sim: Comparing the 2 pics here, one 2 years old and one 21+ yrs old .. u really look so different.. so proud of u .. so grown up oledi... haiyor time really flies... Oh holy cow ( cannot say OMG anymore since that is what Father Joseph Chai say, cannot simply use God's name but it is perfectly alright to ,use cow"s name, LOL) btw do i sound like a old folk talking !!! hahaha
sooo cute =)
my parents don't know that i have a blog at all!
mum: hehe alor mum, see ur kids grow up so big also coz u keep feeding us! haha... dun worry, u dont sound old. :P patience la, next time i dedicate one post to you also..
elfie: hey thanks. mmm, i was reluctant at first to give my mum the address, but now that they do read it, i find it kinda fun! :) it's become another channel for keeping in touch with everyone...
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