island tales #55
list of achievements over the weekend:
i) installed msn messenger, finally. using my yahoo account though. so if i know you and you wanna add me.. the address is on the sidebar. warning: i am a terrible conversationist. you have been warned. :P
ii) paid a visit to town with chen. bought battlefield 2...
...which was a lot more fun than i would have thought a week ago. good for a quick round of mindless action and fun explosions. whee! surprisingly it doesnt lag too badly at low details, so it's quite playable. still, hope i get the new computer soon. it should be here this week, I HOPE.
iii) mooncake festival! ate a grand total of zero mooncakes. it was a rainy weekend, heavy downpours on saturday night and most of sunday morning. saw mooncakes while i was in town, but on second thought, NAH. no lanterns, either. maybe next year. :P
iv) oh yea and i had penang road chendol while in town! housemate had to drop by his auntie's place, so we walked a short distance to get it. in case you didnt know: the stall's name is 'famous penang road chendol' (i think.. something like that), but apparently it's pretty out of sight. if you wanna find it, it's in one of the small roads opposite the main police station near komtar.

(disclaimer: it looks nothing like the photo. but im at work so all pictures come from a random trawl of google images... and this pic above was taken from, which is result #1 when u look up "chendol" in images. end of disclaimer.)
v) i finally got around to sweeping the place! swept the room and stairs. also cleaned up the rest of the place a bit, though i was too much of a lazy bum to touch my laundry. *procrastinate*
* * * * *
the rest of the time was spent on dota, of course, and i had a bunch of pretty fun games, all coincidentally involving a big spider! mmmm. spider. fun's over, it's back to work for now. fortunately, the weekdays pass even faster than the weekends, if that's even possible...
have a nice week, everyone.
chen brought u to eat chendol..
how... apt..
the stall's name is something like.. "famous penang road teochew chendol"
yep! thanks chen. :P
the chendol was pretty ok, but i have no idea how to get back there again. hmmm. gotta explore more...
Unfair. My weekends pass faster than my weekdays. :(
well, at least that means one whole week in your life is longer than one whole week in mine! so u erm live longer. lol.
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