island tales #75

and this is how i spent my christmas.. :P this has got to be the quietest christmas weekend ever!! spent more than 8 hours crafting a four-episode movie clip (about 3 minutes each), titled "Killer Granny (Episodes 1-4)". surprisingly fun! and time consuming too.. nothing as blandly repetitive as watching the same show over and over while adding in subtitles at the correct time. the files are 6-7 meg each though, so i can't upload them. too bad.
*twiddles thumbs*
think i'll send them to my bro. :P that's what bros are for... *heading off to msn*
haf a jolly xmas everyone! oh, and for a special treat... i think i'll politely point out that i've added my mum's blog to the links on the right. she's an excellent cook, and for some reason she has decided to take lots of photos of christmas food and post it on her blog: probably her motherly instincts trying to get some sort of christmas spirit to scroogey old me. ;) check it out if you're free...
quote:trying to get some sort of christmas spirit to scroogey old me. ;) ????
No lar.. just to cyber-link u back to home lar cos this is the first Xmas u are away from home mah.. actually we did miss u at the midnit mass last nit... anyway have a blessed christmas.. (which is more suitable to u than a merry christmas, rite?)
U know wat.. my christmas yulelog w/o u at home no more laku liao but my stuffed christmas chicken already finish liao.. i remember after every midnit mass u always want to eat my christmas yulelog one ...
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