Wednesday, January 26, 2005
back in utp...
well im back in utp! the sem's started, my hols have ended, and i'll be back in kuching again in a week and a half...
comp acting weird, sometimes it refuses to start up or would freeze halfway... and most of the other times it works fine. odd, but i think it cud be the speakers! or maybe not... tho it seems to hang more often when the speakers are plugged in, which totally defies logic. :P
fabian came visiting d other day wif jeejian... nice to see old utp faces again. and lemme see, i played beach football! which is really really tiring, eargh, but great fun. i went shopping! after 9 hours i bought a tin of biscuits, january's pc gamer and a bottle of shampoo... and dats about it. cudnt find shorts, which is a shame, but no big deal... haha...
ooo and for most of the 1st week it's been quite free. got a project coming up for communication systems, we're spozed to build an infra red remote control that can control a computer! sounds more canggih than it really is, coz apparently u need a bulky PIC plugged into the serial port for it to function. hmm. but shud be fun, i think. programming appears to play a big part... tho i cud be wrong... :P
rite. dats it for now. back to mirc, movies and games. wahaha...
Thursday, January 20, 2005
popping by
i've got the sniffles... *sniffles*
spent d afternoon away from my computer for once, to clean up my room. vaccumed, swept and dismantled the fan to be wiped clean. then did the same to the stairs. along the way my nasal passages accumulated enuf dust to warp my voice, and im now leaking bodily fluids by the gallons (or so it seems).
well at least now i haf
a) a clean room
b) a clean staircase
c) less tissue
d) a strange sense of self-achievement for having done smth other than games, for a change
oh and since i've full control of d net connection these days (bro has ceased his erm legally questionable downloads), i'm able to update stuff. and there ---> shud be a shoutbox just so i know ppl actually read this... lol. dat brings wif it a strange sense of self achievement too, in a 'hey ppl read wat i write' kinda way.. :)
rite. adios for today.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
brief end of hols musing
well here i am, it's the end of yet another longgg holiday! going back real soon, and by this time next week i'll be up to my neck in work, i hope. oh and today a cactus fell on me. strange but true! it's a pretty big cactus in a pot, the thorns caught my shirt as i walked past and the whole thing fell on top of me. instinctively caught it wif my BARE HANDS, which in retrospect was not a bright move. ended up wif lacerations on both hands (just red scars now), and a bruised finger + chest. OUCH! CACTI ATTACK! put sm ointment on it and hope i dont catch tetanus. and as far as i know that cactus isnt poisonous. hopefully.
quick review of my hols this time:
i) once again i've spent an awful lot of time sleeping, chatting on icq (mostly wif carol and fong), playing scrabble on d net, warcraft and going over to carol's plc. and just like dat it's over!
ii) in terms of pratical knowledge gained, i would say absolutely negligible. didnt even do anything dat i planned to do, such as improving my 3d modelling, drawing skills or musical ability. never even touched a guitar, coz my bro's has a missing string. so mmm i didnt actually GROW much.
iii) pretty quiet, overall. did not touch the wheel of a car except to reverse it, ONCE. yikes! mostly coz the car's not available anyway... and no great loss, i've always been more of a, erm, indoors person :P rite.
dats a quick post.
til next time
Saturday, January 15, 2005
rare update: blue moon forecast ;)
hurray! i managed to wrest control of the net connection from my bro, bwahahaha *evil laugh*. and damn it's the end of the hols already, dat was fast. mmmm. let's see let's see wat outdated news i have for u ppl...
i) results are out and they're better than expected... :P managed to squeeze in 5 A's and 1 A- for my second highest ever gpa, whoopeee doo. and since last sem's results were (relatively) the worst ever, i guess this just balances everything out, haha. sort of. cant wait to go back to the daily routine of playing and doing work last minute. tho next sem's a bit worrying... managed to make three enemies in a single sem! gwah. after 2 and a half years of a clean record. this is like secondary school all over again.... *gazes blankly into demons of the past*
ii) on a brighter note, i've dug out my rusty macromedia flash skills for a quick airing. the ultimate dream is to design a flash game so utterly brilliant it blow away anyone who sees it for the 1st time. NOT LIKELY to happen anytime soon, but hey we all hafta start somewhere down the food chain. anyway the idea is this: (in case anyone's interested to take it up and make it for me) all you have to do is make some basic rules for the game, then make a whole bunch of different types of inhabitants with their own basic rules, and everytime u run the game, it just generates everything for you from scratch, and u get a whole new world to play around with that has to be (to say the least) TOTALLY bizarre yet fun. *catches breath*
iii) oh it's a brand new year already. my where did the time go. gosh. which means i'm more than halfway thru uni life, waaaaaaa!!! (actually just over 60% thru) form five still seems like last week (not quite yesterday :P). and they say as time moves on ur brain tends to retain only the nice and sweet memories, and discard (or at least whitewash) the darker ones. eeeep.
iv) im going back next saturday. if all goes well and everyone keeps their fingers crossed i might possibly possibly be able to update this as often as i wish i cud. oh! and just for kicks im gonna be TRYing to sleep early next sem, and wake up early too. more as a prep for industrial training tho... gah. cant believe im gonna be working. i suspect that authority dislikes me by default! :P
v) games games games games: i MIGHT possibly MAYBE PROBABLY reduce my gaming time by a TEENY TINY WEE BIT A LITTLE MAYBE POSSIBLY. haha. now all i need is a reason to do so.
rite. rambling's over, looking forward to boring u guys again sm other time! :P
since: 21 may 1984
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about: kuching/utp/penang
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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict
