island tales #77

it's that time of the year again! 2005 has come and gone, and here's wishing everyone a good year ahead...
had the RM16 steamboat meal with colleagues on new year's eve, which was good, and then we watched the new year celebrations from 30 floors up, in one of my colleague's apartments. unfortunately, we were so high up that all the fireworks appeared tiny.. and every single one exploded below us. -_-" regardless, it was a nice way to usher in the new year.
i never had new year resolutions, and i really don't plan to start now. bweks. >:P
ah, and i've been getting myself hooked on civilization 4 lately. nothing quite like the feeling of raw power.... mmmm.... waging an economic war, cultural war, military war, religious war, diplomatic war, all rolled into one. and of course, there are the bits where someone else declares war on me, and promptly gets his backside kicked, packaged and handed back to him. heeeee.
i like your drawing ....very unique and creative too
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