Tuesday, December 27, 2005
island tales #76
hm, I must admit, one of my biggest flaws would be a total inability to cope with people deliberately ignoring me, especially over small misunderstandings. It just triggers a completely different side of me, and I'll be out of action for a while. mostly coz people who did that last time ended up sustaining a cold war for years and years. unfortunately, that just happened today, and everything just collapsed into a metaphorical crumpled heap... was unable to drive due to a strange urge to drive right off the penang bridge. heh.long story short, I eventually snapped out of it (thanks to a helpful team of counsellors. hehe), and now I'm feeling a lot more normal again. so please please don't ever try the "i'm gonna ignore him til he bleeds" thing on me, it works only too well... :Ptomorrow might be a better day...
since: 21 may 1984
msn: nerdook[at]yahoo[dot]com
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this is the ongoing nanowrimo entry, to be completed by november 31st 2005.
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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict

A few thoughts...
Think of rain as the pain you're feeling at the moment. Think of it as something you drive through, you walk through, that no matter how fast you run or drive, it still engulfs you and makes you wet, and cold. And maybe you feel alone in that rain. Maybe you don't think it will ever stop, at least not until you're soaked to the skin. The rain is coming down until it stops, and no sooner. You don't know when it will stop, neither do I. But go and get an umbrella, or look for shelter. It will stop. Trust me. Even Noah only had to go through 40 days of rain.
Think of the rainbow as the time after the rain stops. Think of the beauty of the rainbow, how the many colors couldn't be any more beautiful if an artist drew them for you. Think of the sun, peeking through the clouds. Think of how the world is a more beautiful place because of the rain, and because of the rainbow, and how nothing can grow without rain, and how we can't enjoy pleasure without pain. Realize the rain was a temporary, though necessary, part of your life.
Don't forget your umbrella and your shelter. Surround yourself with those who love you, who can give you shelter, and warmth, and help you dry off and make it through the storm.
Make it a great day! Enjoy the rain, because after the rain comes the rainbow.
er ok mum.. :P i'll be sure to stock up on umbrellas.
thanks! ;) im okay now.. hehe.
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