Wednesday, January 11, 2006
island tales #80
yesterday was hari raya haji, and chok came over for a few days to visit penang. spent the morning playing basketball, followed by a yummy meal of dimsum... ahh. that's actually my first real exercise in ages, and over the past few months i've actually gained THREE kilos. gasp. shock. before i know it, i'm gonna be FAT. :P or maybe not... hehe. but all that cholesterol in penang can't be good for me, so maybe i should exercise more often once i get back.ah yes... a week and a half before our return to UTP. i have yet to touch my final report, so probably i should worry and get started. and then it's going to be another year of academic grinding, before we're set loose upon an unsuspecting world, miaHAHAHA! quiet day at work today, everyone's off for a meeting at some hotel. oh and the picture above... is an orange carrot, a pink-domesticated-farm-animal, a blue elephant, and a rat. :D
since: 21 may 1984
msn: nerdook[at]yahoo[dot]com
ym-id: nerdook
about: kuching/utp/penang
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this is the ongoing nanowrimo entry, to be completed by november 31st 2005.
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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict

welp it's good dat u finally GAINED weight, no? :P welp enjoy the last few weeks of ur internship then...;)
Knowing i dont drink coffee, tea or milk, ur half a cup of coffee is d only coffee i ever tasted.. coffee is addictive i would say haha esp wen very free in office! erm gaining weight for you wold make u more lengzai *ahem* btw, i got lost in green road looking for UR house! send my sis to ur mum tuition mah... aih nearly give up and ask her skip tuition but knowing my sis she would probably tear down green road before letting me give up...
haha... hey i memang quite lengchai already ok!! ;) actually i dont drink coffee or milk either, only occasionally drink tea.
and yes i read about your little adventure.. but frenster blog so hard to comment.
Oh no! A skinny person's biggest nightmare-getting fat!
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