Sunday, July 24, 2005

island tales #21

hm. it may be hard to believe, but i indulged in yet another impulsive shopping trip today! and i finally bought the stuff i had wanted to buy a long time ago, but couldnt convince myself to part with the cash. :P so blitzed into tesco (again) and bought myself a new keyboard and a new mouse (BenQ) for RM30. i seriously wonder why it is so cheap. the old keyboard was getting really dirty, and my mouse was on the verge of conking out, so it was about time for a change, and it was really quite a bargain.. i think.

the crazzzzyyyy part was my decision to add a NEON GREEN shirt to the shopping purchases. it's really neon green.. no other colour to describe it. bright enough to dazzle. excellent addition to the wardrobe if i am ever in need of attention, haha, and definitely brighter than the second brightest shirt i have (which is a bright orange shirt carol gave me). but the downside is, my wallet feels light again. been spending a lot this weekend... guess it's time to tighten the financial strings.

right, time for dinner. played 4 dota games today (what a way to spend the weekend..), and boy did time pass fast. the weekend's about to end... and it felt like i spent it doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. which reminds me.. i have an edx report to write. :P


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why u suddenly like green ... neon green some more... good sign cos green represents generiosity ... and neon green means extra generous

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*LOL* looks like hanging around me did make u a lil more willing to part with ur money for clothes? :P never heard u buy so much tshirts b4...dat's 3 in like one and a half week. even i also got myself only ONE new shirt throughout dat time. NEON GREEN?? seriously LOAlarr *shakes head* wat's next? fluorescent pink? ;)

At 7:17 AM, Blogger nerdook said...

hm. actually, i did see a pink one, but it's not really to my tastes... :P maybe one of those light blue shirts, or a light yellow.... *eyes glazes over at the thought of shopping*


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