Friday, July 08, 2005

island tales #3

thought: if there is such a thing as charisma, im sure there's an exact opposite. anti-charisma, maybe. and if there is such a thing as anti-charisma, im sure i have it in bucketloads! :P (brief indulgence in self depreciation) not that im a horrible person, not as far as i know anyway (but i admit it! i confess to kicking a few cats! one of em was about to wrestle with me for my food, and the other climbed onto my face as i was sleeping, back in utp. so i gave one a good kick (and missed... arrghh)and the other got chucked out of the door), but i never ever seem to make a good first impression. i have no idea why, haha. could be coz i talk a lot.. :P

thought: since im in a rambling mode, let me go back a bit in my own history. wayyyy back in form 1 (has it really been 8 years...), i attended a chinese tuition thingie, since i, uh, decided to take Chinese as a PMR subject (dont ask), and boy was it a weird experience. i've been studying in a non-chinese-language environment since primary 1, and speak sporadic chinese at home in a couple of sketchy dialects (and only started speaking the funny kuching hokkien in form three.. god), so sitting in a chinese class was really really.. strange. kind of similar to walking into an advanced programming class without ever having touched a computer. however, i did get stuff out of it (number one: no matter how much u think u know, u dont know enough; number two: well, at least i can write and read in chinese now, tho it's getting rustier everyday. thank goodness for chinese mp3s.), so it wasnt so bad after all, but i am definitely putting this as one of the top twenty most bizzare experiences in my life. maybe at number eleven.

thought: when i was small too, i lost my specs and after an extensive search it was found at the bottom of a lot of clothes in the cupboard. i have no idea how it got there. was accused of hiding it there... uh... right. bizzaro index: number three.

well, good morning world, time for me to get back to work. cheerio~


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