and we interrupt our normal programming with a special news bulletin:

happy birthday to my little bro!
hehe. that's right. it's my brother's birthday today... and how cool can you get, he was born on the 8th of august, 1986. which makes it 8/8/86... haha, off by a single digit. which means the guy is 19 years old now, and he sure as heck does not look like the pic above. a lot taller, for one thing. and certainly not bald. and slightly less cuddly. but heck, i prefer the smaller version, so im gonna stick that picture up with this blog! (mostly coz i look cute as well)
so yes, happy birthday bro. let's hope you get wiser and richer, have a great year ahead, and good luck for ur exams this week (ahaha!). please don't grow any taller. and for the record... i needed to sleep early, so i cheated on the time this is posted. it's only 10.50pm and it's still sunday, but hey, who cares, eh? :P
have a great birthday! p/s he's still single and available too....
so yes, happy birthday bro. let's hope you get wiser and richer, have a great year ahead, and good luck for ur exams this week (ahaha!). please don't grow any taller. and for the record... i needed to sleep early, so i cheated on the time this is posted. it's only 10.50pm and it's still sunday, but hey, who cares, eh? :P
have a great birthday! p/s he's still single and available too....
erm right. unfortunately im not in the business of trading comments at the moment... haha. but thanks for stopping by anyway... will be sure to let you be the first to know when i desperately need random comments to be dropped here.
*rolls eyes*
p/s hey anonymous.. uh... ur comment has nothing to do with the post. just in case you didnt notice. ;)
so tou-ched =D tenkiu bro~~
ur welcome. i think. :P
wut can i say..
happy bday, sim's brother..
u've seen me.. just that u probably dun remember me..
anyway.. have a nice year ahead..
(ur last year of being a teenager)
hehe, im pretty sure he remembers you.
hm, come to think of it, i do look quite cute in that kid photo. straight hair... slightly chubby.. mischevious looks... :P
cuteeeeeeeeee! both of you!
hehe thanks. tho personally.. i believe my bro is a lot cuter. ;)
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