Thursday, July 28, 2005

island tales #23

time passes day by day... and another week of my life is almost over. i really do wonder if it's just me, or does everyone else also feels like there's not enough time to spend on anything at all these days? maybe it's coz im working, so there's always something to do, or something to look forward to.

* * * * *
and today i will expound one of my old theories (although i must hasten to add that my bro says he thought of it first, years before me.. man we must have been bored when we were kids... but anyway this is my version), which is the Many Me Theorem! actually, i've probably said this before, so if you have heard it you can skip right to the end of this paragraph. that's right, hop it!
anyway. the Many Me Theorem states that, between any two moments of time, there are two different you's whose only link is that they share some (tiny bit of) memories in common. which also means, for example, that the person you were yesterday no longer exists, and has been replaced by the person you are today. which also means that the person who read the beginning of this sentence has just been replaced by multiple versions of you by the time you reached the full stop, here. :P
ok, not really mindblowing stuff ("hm, i knew that already"), but if you actually remember this mumbo-jumbo, you could actually benefit (in certain ways) by following a couple of simple rules:
1) if you're studying/working/doing stuff, and you're making notes for yourself, write it in such a way that it will be useful to a version of you in the future. also, ALWAYS assume that the future you is going to have forgotten EVERYTHING you wanted to remember (which is in fact an extremely likely event). and i'm sure you've experienced the feeling of discovering something useful a you in the past has left for you, and thought "wow im glad i did that for myself.."
2) if you want to procrastinate, then congratulations, you are a selfish version of yourself for the time being. throw away the guilt, enjoy the moment, then leave the rest of the work to a future version of you. hey who cares, it's not the current you anyway! certainly better than being wracked with guilt when procrastinating... which means you didn't do work and you didnt enjoy not doing work, which defeats the whole purpose.
3) on the other hand, if you never get things done, then a heck of a lot of future you's are going to suffer. if that made you feel very happy indeed, i would suggest you seek out the nearest specialized institution where they have various forms of treatment for heartless sadists like you.
and also, if all this sounds like garbage to you, it probably is. but i do apply it a lot in making notes, and doodling during lectures leaves little pictures among the notes that reminds me of things a previous me had learned before. certainly saved me a lot of time... so just thought i'd share it with everyone. :P
(legal disclaimer: if you are actually mad enough to apply this and you find that it doesnt work, you are not entitled to any claims whatsoever, and there sure as hell ain't gonna be a 30-days money back guarantee since i did not get paid and anyone can tell that this is crackpot advice. use at your own risk)
* * * * *

well that's it. oh, and i realise that my memory's improved somewhat since i've started writing the blog more frequently. mostly because i now remember important dates (such as the date today.. not today today, but today as in everyday. nevermind.) and events, which is something i've never been able to remember before. mostly due to a combination of factors:

i) i dont play games as much as i used to, so at least most of the time i'm present in the real world...
ii) i take notes of events that occur, in case i want to write them in the blog. so they stick to my head longer
iii) i remember dates since i usually need them when working, and also for the weekly internship reports

(hey i realise i love to list things out.) oh, but im still blur when doing things that have become a habit, and tend to lose myself in the background chatter of my head. but i guess everyone is like that.

so that's about it for today. oh and a special note: all the best to carol for her test!


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