island tales #63

but it was most definitely worth every moment spent!
i've always thought of the people in my life as belonging to distinctly separate spheres. there's the familiar and comfortable family sphere, the wild and wacky university mates sphere, the now-dusty-but-nostalgic ex-schoolmates sphere, and the just-created work colleagues sphere... and of course, for the purpose of this discussion, the girlfriend sphere. heh.
it's kinda cool: usually these are kept separate, with the occasional references to one another, but this weekend the spheres collided for a brief moment, and it was good. :) brought carol to the company barbecue (which was pretty eventful to me, incidentally: more on that later) and she spent a lot of time with my housemate (who falls firmly under the wild and wacky category).
sure there were some hiccups (sorry carol!), mostly due to the fact that a guy and a girl's brains operate at totally different frequencies... and the fact that sometimes us guys are a LITTTLEEEE bit dense. ;) ergh, dont ask. i'd say everything went great overall though, and regretably i'd better concentrate on work (and recovering) for the next few days. definitely going to send her off on thursday! :)
* * * * *
memories are a funny thing.
...of being able to drive someone you care about here and there, and back again, and here and there again and again...
...of not minding how much that costs, coz some things are always going to be more important than money...
...of the shopping cart (ahaha!!)...
...of never ever EVER being able to understand what is so fun about shopping (and tagging along anyway in the hope of finding out, and failing again)...
...of a nice meal, lots of walking around, a funny movie with a cute girl and a cute guy, and of buying a book on the spur of the moment...
...of early mornings and a different church...
...of gurney drive, umbrellas, the long way around and one really hot sun...
...of a 'proper' shopping trip, at last, and of not being able to find what you wanted...
...of searching for the shop, and of finding our way (and a lesson learned)...
...of us, and me, and you! and of baboons and ostriches, and assorted farm animals. of hellos and goodbyes. of goodnights and good mornings. memories of everything and anything, and nothing in particular, and memories of the two of us which i fully intend to file away under the category of... "Happy Memories". :)
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p/s the picture is a forever friends bear. if you don't know why, then you don't need to know why, and you are not encouraged to wonder... too much. :P
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oh yes, and the barbecue was eventful coz i had to drive back after it was over. lost my wallet, you see. but to my utter embarassment, it turned out it had fell out in my car. whoops. but im glad it turned out ok... probably one of the BigGuy's little tests. phew.
another week has come and gone!
wild n wacky..
re-evaluates self..
haha... yes, as opposed to me being, urm, rational and logical. right? :P
would anyone here like to add anything to the adjectives describing nerdook.. i think those three are not enough.. shud have some like "self-praise" and "not-that-normal"..
who me? nah, shucks, im the, erm, epitome of normality! the embodiment of the very concept of "normal"... hahaha.
remember, self praise is (better than) no praise! ;)
if this is normality..
i m glad to be wacky..
uik, since when are u rational and logical worr? :P *coughspluttercough* btw has ur brain realigned itself back to those routines yet? ;)
haha... think u need some cough syrup! :P ya i guess, now it's back to wading through the mountain of work. yippeee~
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