Wednesday, November 30, 2005
island tales #71
i'm back! :) apologies for the long absence, I've been alternating my life between the nanowrimo novel and work, and it'd be pretty boring to update the blog with the same thing every any case, it's (sort of, kind of, almost) done! I've breached the 50,000 word limit, hurrah, and the resulting mess can be read by clicking on the link on the sidebar over to the left. no plagiarism please... copy and paste without my permission, and horrible things will happen to you... :D "say no to piracy!" and all that stuff. anyway, the epilogue is still missing, probably I'll get it up by tonight and then end everything once and for all. ;)oh yes... i think i'll become quieter at work. i guess i'm not usually a quiet person by any measure, but hm, maybe it'd be nice to try and tone everything down for a change. Serious Sim.. hard to believe until you've seen it for yourself, i guess. *serious mode* -_____-
Thursday, November 10, 2005
happy birthday housemate!
~~~Happy Birthday ch3n~~~ It's chen's birthday! so, erm, happy 21st to my current housemate, loyal blog reader, fellow e&e engineer-to-be, utp coursemate, penang co-driver, etc etc etc.CRAP MAN I THOUGHT IT WAS TOMORROW!! I swear someone is stealing my time and memories these days.. :P anyway thanks to ur mum for the dinner and cake... haha... hope you have a great year ahead. :)
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
happy birthday carol!
8th november.. carol turns 21 today! wheee.... all together now, everybody say:~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROL~~ wishing you a great year ahead, etc etc, big girl deee, kuai kuai ar, don't be too naughty, try not to bully people (ahaha), and hopefully cyberjaya'll suddenly turn into a fun and wonderful place to be. :P
Friday, November 04, 2005
okay, i'll be taking a break from nanowrimo for today. Weee... friends are visiting penang, so we're bringing them around. Well... will be cooking up ideas to add to the story, and then make up for the lost words this weekend. :Dcheers! p/s anywhere really fun in penang to go to?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
nanowrimo is on!
it's here! nanowrimo started officially today... and i've started a new blog to post the story. head on over to to read the story as i update it.. in the meantime, normal blog posts will be posted on a less regular basis. :)and this morning we accidentally ate maggots. EWW. went for breakfast with colleagues, and after eating we saw the worms crawling in the soy sauce. DOUBLE EWW! but apparently all it does is cause stomach aches (at worst), so fingers crossed.EW. im never going back there again... :P
since: 21 may 1984
msn: nerdook[at]yahoo[dot]com
ym-id: nerdook
about: kuching/utp/penang
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this is the ongoing nanowrimo entry, to be completed by november 31st 2005.
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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict
