Friday, January 20, 2006
island tales #81
Leaving the island...Mixed emotions. Lots of things to do before i go. Things to wash. Double check lists. Clean up.Penang has been great fun, Intel was (surprisingly) a really good choice for my internship, and now it's the end of the road.Going to cross the bridge in 19 hours. And then there is no turning back...Life goes on, I guess. And now, let me check on my laundry.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
island tales #80
yesterday was hari raya haji, and chok came over for a few days to visit penang. spent the morning playing basketball, followed by a yummy meal of dimsum... ahh. that's actually my first real exercise in ages, and over the past few months i've actually gained THREE kilos. gasp. shock. before i know it, i'm gonna be FAT. :P or maybe not... hehe. but all that cholesterol in penang can't be good for me, so maybe i should exercise more often once i get back.ah yes... a week and a half before our return to UTP. i have yet to touch my final report, so probably i should worry and get started. and then it's going to be another year of academic grinding, before we're set loose upon an unsuspecting world, miaHAHAHA! quiet day at work today, everyone's off for a meeting at some hotel. oh and the picture above... is an orange carrot, a pink-domesticated-farm-animal, a blue elephant, and a rat. :D
Thursday, January 05, 2006
island tales #79
top reasons to keep your old shoes hanging around1) new shoes look great! but realise that if you wear them for any amount of time, they'll probably start to feel exactly like the old shoes... only slightly worse, because you thought they were better.2) people only have one pair of feet, which means they should only wear one pair of shoes. if you want to compare against new shoes, sprout another pair of feet first.3) if you get your old shoes muddy, you can always wash it and it'll be as good as new4) you already know all the little quirks of old shoes5) there's something really disturbing about comparing unfavourably with new shoes while the old ones are perfectly serviceable. and if you keep buying new shoes, you'll eventually have too many shoes.6) i love my old shoes.. they're irritating in all the right places :Pof course, if the shoe really doesn't fit, then by all means go out and buy a new one!(hang on. im all too aware that 'old shoes' means something rather nasty in cantonese, but let's not wander too far, ok?? for the sake of political correctness, i've contemplated changing 'shoes' to 'slippers'... but nah. just pointing out that sometimes things don't mean anything, really.)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
island tales #78
It's monday! no wait. it's tuesday now. darn... and in three weeks, i'll be off this island and back in uni! but in the meantime, i might as well enjoy the speedy internet connection while it lasts. woke up in a blur this morning and, by some minor miracle, i managed to get to work extra early. there's this thumping headache at the back of my head, too. :Pthere was this story spiralling in my head this morning, about turtles... it was, weirdly, a turtle climbing a hill while looking up at a mountain. and written in blazing fire across the sky was something i heard some time ago: "the higher u climb, the harder you fall, but if you don't, the view is magnificient from up here". and all the while, the turtle kept plodding onwards while smiling wisely.which just goes to show that i need more sleep!!!! haha.
Monday, January 02, 2006
island tales #77
it's that time of the year again! 2005 has come and gone, and here's wishing everyone a good year ahead... had the RM16 steamboat meal with colleagues on new year's eve, which was good, and then we watched the new year celebrations from 30 floors up, in one of my colleague's apartments. unfortunately, we were so high up that all the fireworks appeared tiny.. and every single one exploded below us. -_-" regardless, it was a nice way to usher in the new year.i never had new year resolutions, and i really don't plan to start now. bweks. >:Pah, and i've been getting myself hooked on civilization 4 lately. nothing quite like the feeling of raw power.... mmmm.... waging an economic war, cultural war, military war, religious war, diplomatic war, all rolled into one. and of course, there are the bits where someone else declares war on me, and promptly gets his backside kicked, packaged and handed back to him. heeeee.HAPPY NEW YEAR~!
since: 21 may 1984
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about: kuching/utp/penang
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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict
