Thursday, July 20, 2006

desert tales

yea, i know, i havent updated for some time now. Been sorting things out lately (as in really sorting things out... hrm), and my final semester in uni is starting in just a few days. =/ spent the last few days figuring out how to edit the dota map, and finally succeeded! mostly because the AI we were playing against was horribly irritating, so decided to do a brand new one. still being tested, but so far so good, i guess. at least it doesnt cheat~~

came back early to do fyp, but (oops) still havent really made much progress from last sem. better buck up. on the other hand, the holidays have been really good: nice food and family at home, swimming, games and friends back here. relaxing! we plan to make some kinda car sticker for our graduating batch, but havent really gotten around to it yet. one thing at a time for mr procrastinator, ahaha.

results were pretty much as expected this sem (i.e. average... actually it's the lowest ever for me, ahahaks), but it all seems kinda pointless when you've seen the working life for yourself. ah well. let's see what this sem holds!

oh ya and i realise im easily distracted when there's no deadline. like jumping from one thing to another.... i looked through the stack of abandoned game making efforts and it's really quite messy! haha. but i had a promising pseudo-3d flash adventure game/rpg engine thing running, so if anyone is interested i can send u a copy. i guess. if i ever continue it! :P hehehe...


since: 21 may 1984
msn: nerdook[at]yahoo[dot]com
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about: kuching/utp/penang
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this is the ongoing nanowrimo entry, to be completed by november 31st 2005.

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lil bro
nee shen
lilian chan
jeff ooi
kenny sia
pei tze
d. addict
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