island tales #30
it's the end of yet another monday. chen's off on a family dinner, so it's a pretty quiet night. took a quiet moment picture to remember the eeriely tranquil "monday night atmosphere"... bag dumped on the piano seat upon getting back from work, lights on in the porch, waiting for my housemate's return. empty seats and empty tv screens. just the way i like it...

once again, time has hurtled past at a breakneck speed, which is something that has always puzzled me. one hour these days doesnt seem to last as long as one hour back then, and before i know it another day has merrily zipped past. work was pretty okay, but it seems like the honeymoon period is going to be over soon... the workload seems to be gathering momentum day by day. by all indications, i'm going to be neck deep in work from next week onwards all the way to next year... hehe. certainly sounds exciting.

here's a shot of the dining room table. not particularly exciting, but not exactly boring either. the perfect analogy for my life at the moment.
the table's u meant ur life's messy as well? :P
quite a lot of stuff aroundlor, the table and the living room. but rather homely...and there's a piano!i wann :P send it here can? since u dun play it...takes up space at ur place nia.
haha... the table is NOT messy... in fact, i would say that it is well-ordered yet has plenty of variety!
and no, it's kinda far to send a piano all the way to cyber. come take it urself. :P
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