Friday, September 30, 2005
island tales #60
update. I've been really busy. it's now 6am and im the only person at work... there's nothing quite like going to work extremely early in the morning. no cars on the road, for one thing... hehe.this week has been really hectic, with the extra workload and all, but mostly i'm busy coz carol is coming next week, so i'm squeezing as much extra time as i can into work this week, then i get to spend time with her. hehehe. hopefully.oh, and the extra time i do have was spent playing SWAT4. pretty fun, and pretty tense. quite noisy too, at times. cool part: having your team mates stack up at the door, blowing it open with those small explosive packs, *flash-bang*, storm in, shouting "GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" "DROP THAT WEAPON!" bang bang bang... i have yet to get tired of it. :Prite. time to drown myself in work once more. until next time~
Monday, September 26, 2005
island tales #59
sometimes, i suspect that The Big Guy Up There waits for us to grumble about this and that, then twists our lives so completely that everything just gets turned upside down. went to work today in the midst of a rare early morning heavy rain. which means i woke up with my favourite weather condition raging outside (yes, i just adore stormy weather! makes me more motivated in doing work. no, i dont know why either. yes, i know it's weird.), so going to work was actually pretty fun, and not as scary as i had dreaded.and of course, once i was at work, there was that twist in the tale i mentioned. just when i thought work was crappy, etc etc, today quickly put everything into their proper perspective. apparently, the lady who worked with me (and is sort of my second supervisor) got hospitalised over the weekend with some health complications, possibly from too much stress? not sure about the cause. we went to visit her, and after that i realised my gripes were all kinda petty, and work seems kinda worthwhile again.oh yeah. if you can, do pray for the lady. hopefully the doctors will figure out what's wrong and she gets better other news. carol's pc conked out today, halfway through a conversation with me. all the signs point to a broken hard disk, so she wont be able to get online anytime soon. bright side is she no longer gets distracted while studying, and unlike me, she doesnt totally break down once her computer gets spoiled. :Phm. such a strange day.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
island tales #58
well, i'm back. anybody missed me?? *deafening silence* :phaha. anyway, it's been a long weekend. if this weekend was a dish, it would be a sweet and sour chicken. erm. right after i posted that friday post, things at work rapidly went downhill, and that one day pretty much ended my 4 month run of enjoying going to work. im actually dreading going back now, and feeling pretty sien about everything. sigh.gah.... sucks... sucks... hope things get better.but.... every cloud has a silver lining! and im pretty sure i've never been a good enough christian for most of the last 21 years, but sometimes i just gotta admit that He has a pretty good knack for cheering me up when i'm down. in this case, my new computer is finally back! :) and it cost RM80 to repair, which means it was a cheaper lesson than i had dreaded. very glad the nightmare is finally over, too.
this was taken a month ago, when i first set it up. a very trying time. and this is it! a 3 gig processor, PCIe, SATA, dvd rom, DDR RAM (finally), and USB 2.0. sighhh... thank God everything turned out ok.. :) it's as fast as i expected, though it's also as hot as i expected.. and when running SpeedFan (which measures the temperature), the cpu temperature sometimes leaps to 80 degrees (!!!) for brief periods of time. i hope it's an anomaly! everything runs fine so far, so fingers crossed and keep on praying. :P
* * * * * oh yea, and of course, we had a visitor this weekend. brought her around penang, and we had this HUGE meal at the food court near Northam Towers. (is it called Northam Towers? something like that, anyway). it's right next to the straits of malacca, which is pretty cool. wanted to take pics of the food, but i never brought my camera, so no pics. use your own imagination. ;) watched 2 movies too: the american version of dark water (the japanese version was a whole lot creepier, but this one's pretty scary too) and a dvd of final fantasy 7: advent children, complete with crappy subtitles. note to self: watch everything again with subtitles that make sense. * * * * * it's gonna be a busy week, and im not looking forward to going back to work right now. sigh... i've also got a car service due next week. oh well.. that's it for now.
Friday, September 23, 2005
island tales #57
it's 6.15am and i'm already in the office, on a cold and foggy friday morning.* * * * *had a great dinner with the department last night, for one of my colleagues who's going off for a while starting next week. mmm... a decent meal for a change, which means i finally get to eat veggies, fish and generally food that isnt extremely oily. phew.some updates:i) the motherboard is back in penang and inside its casing. the pc depot people said they're setting it up, so if it works fine i could probably collect it today, or this weekend. if it doesnt work... i guess i can wait a while longer. :Pii) there's a new girl at work! *grin* (disclaimer: in case carol reads this, im just kidding.... haha)iii) and we might have a visitor this weekend... one of the utp juniors is coming for a penang trip. probably gonna use this as a scouting trip for places to bring carol when she comes. hehe.iv) i've been real busy with work (and dota), but it'll end today and start again next tuesday, or wednesday. so i get to breathe. yes!* * * * *right, i sure didnt come here at 6am just to blog. haha. better get back to work. ta...
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
island tales #56
went back a bit later than usual yesterday, since i was, uh, voluntereed into driving another intern home. :P actually it wasnt very far, just had to wait til he was done at 7pm. managed to squeeze some work into the extra time though. *pats self on the head** * * * * had a Good Game of dota last night, playing as a Treant Protector (i never understood the name. im pretty sure the only person protected is.. himself..). actually we lost in the end, but that's okay, it was close enough, and they were forced to break the throne straight, with one rax still standing, while we had two of their raxes down and had the slight edge. excellent considering we were holding the losing end of the stick right up to middle game.. HAH! :Pnot easy to play treant, balanar and panda versus terrorblade, lion and chaos knight, okay?? :Din other news... the computer people finally called. hm. they said the board can be repaired by the manufacturers, which would be cheaper than buying a new one, so i gave the go ahead. question.. how on earth do you REPAIR a motherboard? what im worried about is if they only fix part of it, then everything gets fried when plugged in. ARGH! in any case, im hoping for the best, and im getting them to pasang everything this time.fingers crossed.* * * * *oh and... carol's currently adrift in her ocean of work, so she's gone into a sort of Ultra Megazoid Studying Mode, popping up occasionally for sanity breaks. :P erm, all the best... anyone in need of a big karma boost, send her a jumbo sized cheesecake!speaking of sanity.went to bed early last night (around 10.30), but to my utter horror, some genius (or bunch of geniuses) were holding a freaking CONCERT down the street in their house. there is absolutely nothing as annoying as:a) an old guy with dubious singing abilityb) singing really old dialect songsc) with speakers cranked up loud enough to share the joy within a 2km radiusd) in a usually quiet residential neighbourhoode) at 10.30 pm, aka normal bedtimef) on a freaking MONDAY NIGHT!!!i woke up with a headache, and i havent the foggiest idea why *sarcasm sarcasm*. oh, of course, it could have been a charitable concert for a noble cause, but in the (unlikely) event that it was, i've magnanimously contributed by NOT leaving the house, starting up the car, turning on my bloody highlights, drive down the road, parking in front of that house, and HONK THE HORN THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT!! *EVIL CACKLE*(and there are better ways to do charity, anyway. so i doubt it.)
Monday, September 19, 2005
island tales #55
i'm so sleepy on a monday morning... heh. hard to believe the weekends are over..list of achievements over the weekend:i) installed msn messenger, finally. using my yahoo account though. so if i know you and you wanna add me.. the address is on the sidebar. warning: i am a terrible conversationist. you have been warned. :Pii) paid a visit to town with chen. bought battlefield 2... ...which was a lot more fun than i would have thought a week ago. good for a quick round of mindless action and fun explosions. whee! surprisingly it doesnt lag too badly at low details, so it's quite playable. still, hope i get the new computer soon. it should be here this week, I HOPE.
iii) mooncake festival! ate a grand total of zero mooncakes. it was a rainy weekend, heavy downpours on saturday night and most of sunday morning. saw mooncakes while i was in town, but on second thought, NAH. no lanterns, either. maybe next year. :P iv) oh yea and i had penang road chendol while in town! housemate had to drop by his auntie's place, so we walked a short distance to get it. in case you didnt know: the stall's name is 'famous penang road chendol' (i think.. something like that), but apparently it's pretty out of sight. if you wanna find it, it's in one of the small roads opposite the main police station near komtar.
 (disclaimer: it looks nothing like the photo. but im at work so all pictures come from a random trawl of google images... and this pic above was taken from, which is result #1 when u look up "chendol" in images. end of disclaimer.) v) i finally got around to sweeping the place! swept the room and stairs. also cleaned up the rest of the place a bit, though i was too much of a lazy bum to touch my laundry. *procrastinate* * * * * * the rest of the time was spent on dota, of course, and i had a bunch of pretty fun games, all coincidentally involving a big spider! mmmm. spider. fun's over, it's back to work for now. fortunately, the weekdays pass even faster than the weekends, if that's even possible... have a nice week, everyone.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
hm. i got spoofed on kenny's chatbox! quite an interesting experience. some guy stole my 'nerdook' nick and started posting rubbish, and of course there was no way to make sure who was who on a chatbox. kinda disappointing to be targetted for character assasination, but there you go. welcome to the world wide web!had to reply as 'nerdookie' until he gave up. phew. my guess is he'll do it again next time, so i guess im never gonna post on that chatterbox again. he can have my nick if he wants it so much... i guess people can tell who's the impostor by then. ;)plus side: the guy was dumb enough to use the link to this blogsite. duh.
island tales #54
So it's thursday already, huh... wow. anyway, i got this little gem as a forwarded attachment some time ago, it's pretty funny. and it also means that i'm operating at 20% today. haha.* * * * * slept late last night... had a bunch of bad dota rounds (sobsob), then spent the rest of the time talking to The Ostrich who just had her presentation. :P -EDITED- and that naughty carol put this amazingly annoying picture on her blog!!! ARGH!!! :P ok im quite amused, but still!!! yea yea it's spozed to resemble me... 
....oh yes, har har, very funny... ah, you won't find her blog linked from here. removed at her request. -END OF EDIT- surprisingly, i did manage to wake up on time this morning! my phone is still pretty much silent, but i found a working alarm clock on the dresser, so yay for that. only problem: the alarm clock sounds really soft. its a teeny tiny *teet teet.. teet teet* sound, which definitely is NOT as loud as the usual phone's wailing electronic shriek. but i did wake up (before the alarm clock went off actually), so i'll give it a try, if it really doesnt work then i'd probably have to find a louder one. of course, if i had my computer in the room, i probably could have whipped up a nice little flash-based alarm clock that fires off high pitched screams loud enough to wake up the neighbourhood (and my housemate). nyek nyek nyek. not that evil. * * * * * ah one more thing. i'm using earphones here, and for some reason there's a lot of noise. probably because the earphones are really LOUD. my volume control now looks like this: since if it goes any louder, i can use the damn things as SPEAKERS (no joke). by the time it's halfway, it's already loud enough to blow my eardrums into pieces. so i guess the noise probably exists since the earphones are so freaking loud, and if the thing has an external volume control, then it's really well hidden, coz i sure as heck can't see it.more notes to self: buy earphones with a volume control.* * * * *songs in my ears: a bunch of mushy reminds-me-of-first-sem songs by emil chou, a bunch of loud-and-sure-to-wake-me-up-completely songs from old linkin park albums (yea i know, so yesterday), and an assorted variety of other songs from 3 Doors Down's not-so-mushy songs to Zhou Chuan Xiong's even mushier songs.word of the day: eclectic.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
island tales #53
ok so this is just way too funny NOT to post about. after reading desperate addict's post on the face analyzer thingie, i fired off my resume pic (nice blank background.. the results had better be more accurate..) in order to try it out for myself. the results are here: on, click on it. i found it pretty funny (and parts of it were kinda true too, i suppose). Enjoy laughing at my pic.... didnt bother to censor it. :P
island tales #52
today, i was 20 minutes earlier than yesterday, but 20 minutes later than all the other days. reason: i dropped my phone yesterday, and it is now sulking by refusing to make any sounds. persuading it with chocolates and offers of shopping trips has failed miserably, which leads me to suspect that the phone is definitely not female.heh. kiddingggggg.note to self: find an alarm clock.* * * * * once again i'm halfway through another week! it's a nice cold wednesday morning, and if i was in utp now instead of working, i would most probably still be asleep. zzzz. actually, come to think of it, the chances of me actually retaining this 'sleep-at-ten-and-wake-up-at-six' routine once i get back to uni is going to be really low.i've never been a studious person, though i always try to get my work done at the last minute on time. yes, i'm a procrastinator when it comes to studies! way back in school, i usually finish my homework before going home (mostly because they got in the way of playing computer games), but for those years when i went to the shop in the afternoons, my parents would give me workbooks to do as extra work. and almost everyday without fail, i would sleep for almost half the afternoon after lunch (zzz), and upon waking up would watch cartoons until 5. the work got squeezed into the period between the end of the cartoons (usually at 5.30) and dinner (usually at 6).those were the days!also, i guess i've always seen my dad as the "haiya as long as the work gets done no need to study so hard life is short have fun but make sure it gets done that's all" kinda guy, but come to think of it i dont remember ever hearing him telling me anything like that. probably coz stories of his youth (from my aunt at the shop) usually paint him as someone with that philosophy. my mum's more of the "u have to be hardworking else u'r gonna fail then u know!!!", but it's probably more of a parenting rhetoric i think, coz i never did take it seriously. :P hahaha!* * * * *enough rambling.. back to work...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
island tales #51
oh. i was late for work today... well, not really late, more like later-than-usual-but-still-early-for-work kinda late. i usually wake up at 6.20, and by 7 (the latest) im sitting here getting some work done. but not today. woke up to find (to my astonishment) that the time was 7.08am. gasp. must have been all that hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat- pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on...* * * * *anyway. workload is quite manageable still, though, and time here plods on as rapidly as it always has. since the guys won't be able to make it this weekend, the trip is most probably postponed until the end of october, as fong needs to recover from his pox. still no news of the computer. sigh. every call is replied with "the supplier hasn't replied us yet". patience.. patience... the day will come......`Have some wine,' the March Hare said in an encouraging tone. Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea. `I don't see any wine,' she remarked. `There isn't any,' said the March Hare. `Then it wasn't very civil of you to offer it,' said Alice angrily...* * * * * oh yes, and i successfully had another mini adventure, of sorts. was out of cash, so had to get to the other bank to get some. so took a detour while on the way back to work, to get to sunshine before i went completely bust. hopefully i'll get paid soon (actually, i know i'll get paid soon), and i'm also awaiting the quarterly 'big kahuna' from petronas. mmm.. i love presents!...`they gave it me -- for an un-birthday present.' `I beg your pardon?' Alice said with a puzzled air. `I'm not offended,' said Humpty Dumpty. `I mean, what is an un-birthday present?' `A present given when it isn't your birthday, of course.'...* * * * *(yes, those quotes are from alice in wonderland/ through the looking glass. available for your reading pleasure at, so go on, have a read. i'm off to play with pink flamingos! get back to my work.)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
island tales #50
this one's for carol/mum, mostly. in case you ever wondered what dota is. the screenshot is from a game i just had with chen and a bunch of strangers, and was the most cheat-riddled game i played today. anyway. for those of you who have never seen dota in action: minimap in the lower left, my hero's ugly picture at bottom mid, then items and the various actions available. scoreboard at the top right, and the game itself takes up the rest of the screen. those multiple green blobs you see in the middle of the screen is a morphling who's using the forbidden manta style item to make copies of himself. i am, of course, elsewhere... :Pright. that's it then. back to the next game... haha.
island tales #49
oh crap i missed church again. overslept, as usual. whoops. guess i'd better sleep earlier next saturday.* * * * * this picture was taken from a random google image search for "giraffe". i kinda look like one sometimes (as long as my brother isn't around!) since i am skinny and tall too, except i dont have a several-meters-long neck and i dont chew leaves off tall trees. erm. just posted this pic coz 5xmum is running a guess-what-animal-she-resembles post, and neeshen mentioned that i look like the animal pictured above. LOL.
*does some giraffe sounds and prance around a bit* * * * * * oh yes and i've added some new links to the sidebar. met two of them on kenny's chatterbox (which functions like a primitive version of irc) while some flamers were running amok. one of them is kenny's own desperate addict, who's as desperately addicted as her name suggests. the other one's alynna (that's not her real name though. im still wondering why she called herself alynna). hm, and i feel really old whenever i stumble across people so much younger than me. *feeling like an old giraffe* oh, and if you enjoy the feeling of your hairs standing on end, go to the addict's site and listen to the audioblogs for kenny. haha. * * * * * plans for today: clean up the house. probably as my punishment for missing church again. hehe. *EDITED* oh yes. speaking of flamers. i forgot to add this amazing line i got from some dilbert's work wisdom list: never enter an argument with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience. how true! :) *END OF EDIT*
Friday, September 09, 2005
island tales #48
I'm back from a friday night dinner! and boy am i in a mood for ranting...right, so for the past few weeks or so, i've been having most of my dinners at this hawker place just down the road from here. it's convenient coz it's situated between home and work, and it's nearer and easier to get to than anywhere else.but today's trip was rather unique. a little background information: to get to my food, i need to get past two traffic lights. even if one is green, i'd have to wait for the other one, coz they actually take turns to change colours. no big deal, it's a 100 plus second wait, and even when both are red, it's faster than walking. right?right. except.......... for cases like today. for BOTH lights, i somehow managed to get not just one, but TWO drivers who really really enjoy driving slower than the speed of a dead turtle going backwards through peanut butter. yes, that's right, i had one insanely slow driver for EACH light. i'm usually a patient guy, and coming from kuching (and tronoh), i still find the drivers here kinda reckless sometimes. but these two clowns were REALLY taking their time... and so, i ended up being the Second Car From the Red Light Change twice. gah.the really weird part came when i reached the hawker center. that's when i came across something that really made me wish i had a camera in the car, since it's one of those sights that you dont see everyday. obviously, it was......a rather large herd of cows walking in a rather long line down the road......and on the correct side of the road too. except that i had to wait there since i was NOT keen on driving in the middle of a large group of cows. you know, in case they mistake my kancil for a predator and start attacking it. so while waiting for them to pass, i observed them doing cow-like things such as sniffing each other's asses, or swinging their cute little udders as they amble down the road.sigh.* * * * *dinner itself was pretty alright. had my usual hawker combo of char kueh tiaw, nomaikai and a small-ish char siu pao. also, since i usually eat alone (and i find that strangely calming), i had time to look around and observe the usual people around the place. there was the rather cool ponytailed drinks guy who always replies my hokkien in english (maybe i sound weird), the friendly husband and wife who sells nomaikai/pao, and the surly looking lady who fried char kueh tiaw. there are other stalls as well, of course, but i've yet to get tired of my usual meal so i havent actually tried most of the other food.quirky point about me: i tend to order the same food for a longgg time if im eating at the same place. i have no idea why, either. now im back and enjoying a quiet friday night. perfect for chatting with my (insert adjectives here) carol, my (insert more adjectives here) mum, and (possibly) some gaming, too.ahhh... my ideal idlyic lifestyle. :P* * * * *p/s and in case you're wondering.. YES I GOT A SLOWPOKE IN FRONT OF ME ON THE WAY BACK TOO. who did not move when the light turned green, so i had to wait twice. it was just not my night...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
island tales #47
overtime.. i'm still at work even though it's close to 9pm. hm. it's actually the first time i've stayed to actually do work long after the sun has gone down... and it's not really my work, per se, but helping out a fellow intern, sort of. not that i'm a really helpful guy or anything.. :P but i'm gonna run some of my own stuff as well, save myself the trouble of getting it done tomorrow.kinda fun so far. feels like a sleepover. haha.k back to work. want... dota.... :P guess that'll wait for the weekends.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
island tales #46
damn it, i have the hiccups again. and it's those painful hiccups that feels like someone is hammering your chest.. from the inside. *hiccup!*ouch. im guessing it's the custard cream puff i had for lunch. anyone knows if custard cream contains lactose? hm. that would explain it though.* * * * *yesterday i was off on an exciting adventure! sort of. the car felt rather odd lately, so i had a quick look around and found that the tyres were kinda sunken. not good... so drove to the nearest petrol station for a quick tyre, this is my very first tyre-pumping experience, and i was rather nervous at first. dug out the car manual to find out the correct air pressure... but it turned out the value is written on the frame of your car door (i definitely did not know that!). also, i actually needn't have bothered: the tyre pumper thingie is digital, and it's already set to 29 psi (=200 kPa, i think), all you have to do is take out the valve caps on the tyre, plug it in and wait for the signal to stop. had chen along just in case, so thanks housemate~it turned out to be pretty easy after all. and the tyres were seriously in need of air.. 16 to 21 psi, on average. wonder where all the air went?? and you are advised to keep your tyre pumped to save fuel, etc etc....* * * * *note to anyone who doesnt know it yet: the RM1 coin expires as legal tender in december. so don't accept them from shops if possible, and remember to change your coins before then. it's being repeated on the radio daily, so i just had to pass it along... :D
Sunday, September 04, 2005
island tales #45
you know what? i realised that both my parents read this blog, but only my mum comments. hm. therefore.... i'm gonna dedicate half this blog to my dad! aint that nice. :P gosh i love this pic... hehe. i have no idea how old i was when it was taken, but it's definitely more than 10 years ago. my dad looks pretty much the same as above, except he has (slightly) less hair. similarity with my bro: both have more muscles than me (sob).
anyway, i've always thought my dad's character is the total opposite of my mum's: mum is (to me) very talkative (hee) and extremely concerned about everything, while my dad is (to me) the embodiment of the silent, macho, muscular man. hahaha... actually i found out it's not exactly true, he's pretty concerned about us too, but (like me) showing concern/care so blatantly is just SO girlish. nope, not something us guys wud do, nuh uh. :P nawps. i honestly think my dad is kinda cool, coz he plays computer games too (which was actually how i got hooked, come to think of it), though he never did take up the offer to join me and my bro's networked games. hmm. guess he doesnt like competition? :P plus it's usually my mum who calls me on the phone, except when i'm sick (or when my mum mischeviously shoves him the phone), and i'd get to hear his gruff, macho, controlled voice! haha... shh dont tell him i said that. :D so yea. that's my dad. and if you don't know him, he sometimes does appear kinda scary! darn i wish i had that scary look. heheh. the things i could do... but surprisingly, i think my mum was more of the disciplinarian in the house. (gee. i wonder how he'll react to this post.) * * * * * completely different note: tomorrow is my ex-roomie's birthday. so.. happy birthday yaw!!
that's him on the left. i'm the slightly taller guy on the right. and this is one of the few pics that only has two of us. also, he's one of the members of the gawd-awful F4 Gang (i shudder everytime i mention it). erm. we totally hated F4 way back in first year, but coincidentally there were four of us then, so uh, erm, it was very logical (in a backwards kinda logic) to name ourselves after them. ARGH. why am i telling this... hahaa....anyway happy birthday yaw. hope u have a nice year ahead! (doubt he'll read this. oh well, it's the thought that counts)
Friday, September 02, 2005
island tales #44
it's yet another one of those friday nights...end of another week, and beginning of another weekend. i guess friday nights mean partying night for most people... but obviously not for me. it's always been GAMING NIGHT! :P yea, and a quick check of my computer reveals that I currently have 11 games accessible from the start menu. here's the list:capitalism II, diablo II, insaniquarium, monopoly tycoon, dynomite/rocketmania, the SCUMM virtual machine (with sam&max), simgolf, starsiege tribes, sims 2, uplink, and of course, warcraft III (and dota). i've also got VOS and chaos overlords stashed in another folder. sigh... yea i've just realised that most of these games are OLD... i've only just deleted GTA: san andreas and underground 2 since they were taking up a HUGE amount of space. Hm. most of the rest of my 40 gig contains utilities/programs for studies: matlab, pspice, etc etc, stuff engineering students would be familiar with. probably gonna have to transfer everything over to the new computer once it arrives. can't wait for the weekends. though i have this itch to finish off my work in the office... hahaha....
island tales #43
nightmare! went back home yesterday after a long day at work (downside of midweek holidays: the work just snowballs), looking forward to a night of doing absolutely nothing but play games and surf until my eyeballs fall out. or at least until it's time for bed, whichever comes first. but noo, some things were just not meant to be... clicking on the little 'connect to streamyx' icon resulted in the usual connection window... which promptly mutated into a box that declared some remote computer somewhere was not responding to my urgent pleas to connect to the net.what the hockaloogie?!?! a quick inspection of the modem revealed that its usual (happily lit) DSL connection light was off. not even a blink. horrified, i restarted the modem. nothing. picked up the phone. dial tone sounded ok. scratched my head. shrugged. and i went to take a bath.streamyx was down! there were in fact two possibilities: either my modem was screwed (i certainly hope not!!) or the streamyx exchange was out of commission for the night. either way, i wasn't going online anytime soon... though after the initial irritation was gone, i was off playing a bunch of offline games. fortunately (and fatefully, i guess) alvin decided to pick that night to invite us to a round of cybercafe games. woot! we left at 9.35, and got back just past 1 am. :P observation: i'm really surprised by how many kids there are who play in cybercafes until very late into the night. hm. don't they need to eat/study/work??! (heh. alright, actually im not that shocked. i'm perfectly aware of how time moves at a different rate for gamers. "what it's night already?!?!")in any case, i got to work half an hour later today. and it's back to the grind i go. but first: yes, streamyx IS back up... :)
since: 21 may 1984
msn: nerdook[at]yahoo[dot]com
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about: kuching/utp/penang
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this is the ongoing nanowrimo entry, to be completed by november 31st 2005.
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lil bro
nee shen
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d. addict
